This is the Frequently Asked Questions page. This is where the most common questions about the festival are collected for the reference of other guests who are interested in the festival and who always visit the site. If you want to know more about the festival or if you have questions, then you can check out this page. In that way, you will be more informed.

FAQs | Flower Mart festiva, Mt. Vernon Park in Baltimore, Maryland, Planting of flowers and vegetables

Q. When is the Flower Mart festival scheduled?
A. Flower Mart festival is scheduled every May. However, there is no exact date because it differs every year. We usually hold this on a weekend. You can check out our online bulletin to be more informed. You can also sign up for our newsletter if you want the notifications on this website to go straight to your emails.

Q. Do we need to pay an entrance fee if we are going to attend the festivals?
A. No entrance fee is necessary. However, we highly encourage you to donate and to patronize only the stores participating in the festival. After all, the festival is only dependent on your kind heart for it to continuously operate every year.

Q. What is the newsletter for?
A. By signing up for our newsletter, you can receive all the notifications about the festival straight to your email. In that way, no need anymore to feel hassled going to our website to check for the schedules and other relevant information because we are going to send it to you directly.
Q. How much to pay by signing up for the newsletter?
A. No need anymore to pay if you are going to sign up for our newsletter. We do not ask for any payments. Signing up is for FREE. No need even to provide your credit card details and other financial information.